Fellowship Presbyterian Church recently issued the following announcement.
Dear Fellowship, April 22, 2020
This is an exciting time in the life of Fellowship Presbyterian Church! As you prepare for your new pastor, I would like to share some parting words with you.
First of all, Thank You! Thank you for welcoming me into your church family. I have truly been blessed to serve side-by-side with you for the past 27+ months. You received me with open
hearts, helped me find my way around my new city, and settled me into a different kind of calling as an interim pastor. I am grateful to the Transition Team and Session for calling me
I have enjoyed introducing you to Worship Design Teams, offering musical Christmas programs with my husband Chris, caring for others on behalf of Fellowship with gifts from the
pastor’s discretionary fund, meeting with church leaders and helping to shape various ministries and mission opportunities. I have loved hearing your faith stories, watching the Day School children play on the beautiful playground, visiting with you in your homes, places of work, and in the hospital, and praying with and for you. You are an amazing arm of the Body of Christ!
Yes, there have been some challenging times, particularly the past two Lents. But you, brothers and sisters, have
stayed connected and been so supportive through the shadowy seasons. You have shared your gifts. I give thanks to God for you and look forward to hearing how Fellowship grows and deepens in its faith and practice with your new pastor.
May 3rd will be my last Sunday with you as your interim pastor. From that point on, our relationship changes and I will no longer be in a pastoral relationship with you. This means that while friendships may continue, I am not available for hospital visits, funerals, weddings, counseling, “church talk,” or any other action that is pastoral in nature. I want to support your new, wonderful pastor as best I can. Refraining from these types of connections allows you to build meaningful bonds and relationships with Pastor Kathryn. I know you will be in great hands!
Many of you have asked what my plans are upon my departure. Chris and I are committed to this area, but I am unclear at this time what my next steps will be. I covet your prayers as I seek new work. While I wish we could all gather together to say good bye, I trust that God blesses us
all in our comings and goings. You have brought new meaning to the word Fellowship!
Blest be the ties that bind our hearts in Christian love.
The fellowship of kindred minds is like to that above….
When we are called to part, it gives us inward pain;
but we shall still be joined in heart, and hope to meet again.
Text: John Fawcett, 1782
Grace and peace,
Rev. Dr. Nancy Jo Dederer, Interim Pastor
Original source can be found here.