David Merratt was once homeless, but after finding help at the Tiny House Community Development, he has become a volunteer so he can pay it forward to help others.
Over Veterans Day weekend, Greensboro-area residents who have worn the uniform for their country shared stories about the struggles they have overcome, thanks to a Triad group that helps homeless vets.
“Student veterans are a growing population, and there isn’t as much research or literature about this demographic out there compared to other student populations,” says Dr. Erin Reifsteck, associate professor in UNC Greensboro’s Department of Kinesiology.
A self-proclaimed “big nerd,” Theo Noussi is fascinated by nanoscience, which requires the use of sophisticated microscopy to study at a very small scale. “It’s amazing to study life and understand science at that level,” he says.
On Valentine’s Day 2002, LeNora Hickman Harley ‘21 shipped out to Fort Jackson in Columbia, South Carolina, to start basic training as a new enlistee in the U.S. Army Reserve.
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